2006 ...
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2006-02-07 13:23
WooHoo! I managed to get something online!
Now... I have checked in the code I have already with www.tortoisecvs.org (at least I think I did)
2006-02-24 17:28
2006-02-25 16:35
I thought a bit more about tabbed browsing, and found it had still one advantage over TreeBrowse. When opening a new tab, you can load another page separately from any other page. I added multiple browser instances to TreeBrowse, but they are displayed on the node in the tree-view for the page currently loaded. Press Ctrl-T to create a new browser instance, and delete the node to free it.
I also added an option to export all children in the tree-view. Real handy if you need a URL-list to send to someone or to import in an application. Press Ctrl-F9 and select export options in the 'file type' field.