yoy.be "Why-o-Why"

RE v2.1.1.670

2024-11-21 20:44  re670  coding dotnet freeware  [permalink]

Regular Expression

I've updated the target to net9.0-windows7.0, but I've only been able to quick check if things still work, so use with the appropriate care.
Download: RE_setup.exe (~1.8MB)

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RE v2.1.0

2023-09-16 21:59  re210  coding dotnet  [permalink]

→ Regular Expression

v2.1.0: I've added a HTTP library that can do GET and POST requests with data from inputs and to outputs. I also switched to .Net 7.0.

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Lobsters on Delphi: the good and the bad

2021-02-18 00:20  lobsters  coding delphi dotnet  [permalink]

→ Lobsters: 26 Years... of Delphi

Aaw, look at that, the good and the bad on a single page.

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Regular Expression

2014-01-01 21:54  r1798  dotnet  [permalink]

Regular Expression

To whomever this might be of interest: I've decided to open-source this project: https://github.com/stijnsanders/RE

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Regular Expression

2013-12-20 22:32  r1794  dotnet  [permalink]

Regular Expression

- fixed issue with file left open after save
- 'Builder' item (Multiple)
- 'Groups' item (RegEx)

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Regular Expression

2012-07-04 21:58  r1733  dotnet  [permalink]

Regular Expression

update: fixed a minor issue with the 'Repeat' item, added 'Groups' item (RegEx), (forgot to update the version number, still at

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Regular Expression

2011-12-08 23:12  r1680  dotnet  [permalink]

Regular Expression

- improved checking for unsaved changes
- 'copy to', 'paste from' options
- use UTF8 for saved expressions
- don't store width and height for unresizable items
- drag to select multiple items, with ctrl pressed on release, inverts items from selection
- some item types auto-patch-through connections when linking or deleting
- 'Sort' item (Multiple) with an option to prepare entries to sort by (e.g. extract a numeric value)
- 'Unique', 'First', 'Last' items (Multiple)
- 'Split by EOL' item (String operations)
- target .Net platform 4.0

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Regular Expression

2010-05-09 23:50  r1569  dotnet  [permalink]

Regular Expression

- improved checking for unsaved changes
- 'copy to', 'paste from' options
- issue fixed with multi:index saving combobox-position

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Regular Expression

2010-01-26 21:33  r1520  dotnet  [permalink]

Regular Expression

the setup now registers the .rxe file type
'large file' now has an option to read a number of lines at a time
there's a new 'append EOL' item

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Regular Expression

2009-11-18 14:39  r1479  dotnet  [permalink]

Regular Expression

I've enabled the clipboard options (cut, copy, paste). They work on items when one or more is selected, but on text when a text control is showing a cursor (has focus).

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Regular Expression

2009-09-21 17:47  r1444  dotnet  [permalink]

Regular Expression

Apparently, the TextBox' default value for MaxLength is 32768, which causees trouble when using 'Constant value' and 'Viewer' to process large chunks of data. This is now updated by setting them to 0, allowing for up to 4GB of data on most platforms.

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RE v2.0

2009-05-17 22:48  r1346  dotnet  [permalink]

RE v2.0

- added Multiple/Decide
- fixed issue with Join taking all paths from a single item.
- fixed issue with Multiply sending data over all paths to a single item.
- added REFileSystem.dll

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RE v2.0

2009-05-05 23:52  i1733  dotnet  [permalink]

It's finally here! I've been working on this for a few years, here a few hours, there a few, then a long period of nothing, before I picked it up again. I wanted to get the hang of CSharp, so I selected this project to re-do. While I was re-working it, I wanted a few extra's: a better behind-the-scenes handling of communication between items when running, and an 'open' framework that is easy enough to add sets of items to. Thanks to dotnet's reflection this wasn't that hard. I may post more info about that in the future. I would have liked to make it impossible to build feedback-loops (see image), but even with the improved signals-handling, this is still possible. (Though you need to set 'pass as it comes' on the join item.)

Next was to fine-tune and test it untill it was feature-complete with the previous version. There are a few minor differences, and when loading old files some issues may turn up, but this is probably due to bugs in the old version or because the new version doesn't have connection points any more that can be both input or output (e.g. the old version had 1 connection point to either set or get text on/from the clipboard.)

Since all of the items are now defined in dll's, I've added an XML library, one of things on my personal wish-list. I may create database items later. (Or if you want to have a try, have a peek at how the dll's do it and have a go at inheriting from REBaseItem.)

Thanks to dotnet, the binaries are really small now. As a fallback, (or if you want to compare with the Delphi version), I'll leave the previous version here: RE_old.zip

Enjoy! Let me know if you have idea's, or requests, or get constructions that don't behave properly...


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EventInfo.GetRaiseMethod Method (Boolean)

2007-11-01 22:37  i1311  dotnet  [permalink]


This method returns a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) for events declared with the C# event keyword or the Visual Basic Event keyword. This is because the C# and Visual Basic compilers do not generate such a method.

Is there a way to raise an event from outside the object? I guess not!


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ExecuteReader requires the command to have a transaction...

2007-07-26 10:22  i1248  dotnet  [permalink]

I had a real nice data-application, that bundled some changes in XML with the schema and a diffgram using datasets, but as an added check I wanted to have the whole thing run in a transaction.

I thought this would do the trick:


db = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString);


tr = db.BeginTransaction();
using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(myQuery, db))
SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);

No such luck! The command builder failed in doing its magic:

ExecuteReader requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction.  The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized.

So I had to search my way through anything I could find, using any [[Google]]s and [[Reflector]]s of this world I came across, just to discover that it's all fixed by putting the transaction on the DataAdapter's SelectCommand! The CommandBuilder copies that one nicely to all the other commands it confabulates.


db = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString);


tr = db.BeginTransaction();
using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(myQuery, db))
da.SelectCommand.Transaction = tr;
SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);

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Microsoft hit with more patent litigation

2007-04-22 01:25  i1199  actueel dotnet  [permalink]

Slashdot | Microsoft Is Sued For Patent Violation Over .NET

arg yakkes. If this goes the bad way, faesces will hit propellor again. Remember a previous case they lost made them have InternetExplorer show a border around plug-ins on web-pages, and require a mouse-click before they get allowed access to the surrounding page (more precisely it's object model)

If this one turns bad, something similarly unpreferable might be taking form inside the dotnet world. Regretfully. Time the patent debate heats up.

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Microsoft's AJAX for ASP.Net is here!

2007-01-25 16:40  i1061  dotnet  [permalink]


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HowTo switch from Design view to HTML view on aspx/ascx

2007-01-11 17:21  i1052  dotnet  [permalink]

In Microsoft Visual Studio, press Ctrl+PgDn or Ctrl+PgUp to switch from HTML-view to Design-view when editing aspx's or ascx's

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How to keep an exception from killing the application.

2006-12-22 11:18  i1037  dotnet  [permalink]

When exception occurs, and isn't handled in the event handler of the application, the exception message pops up, and then the application teminates.

For those who develop in Delphi this might be unexpected. There it's accustomed that, after the exception popup, the application is allowed to keep running and only the handling of the current event is interrupted.

Perhaps this is a point of difference between other development environments also. And as I recall this was an important difference with VB6 also. So perhaps it is part of the Microsoft philosophy.

The way around this is not that hard: add this line somewhere up front the event handler of the Form.Load event:

Application.ThreadException+=new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException);

Or just type Application.ThreadException+= and press Tab twice to auto-generate the handler.

In the handler, type this code:

MessageBox.Show(this,e.Exception.ToString(),"Exception occurred",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

This will display the error in a plain MessageBox, but not halt the application.

(This code is in [[C#]], anybody care to add the [[VB.Net]] version? hit edit on this page!)

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Oracle in .Net

2006-05-31 10:51  i630  dotnet  [permalink]

tss, verwarrend, Microsoft heeft er zelf, en Oracle heeft er ook gemaakt, welke zou er het best werken?

Microsoft: Download details: .NET Managed Provider for Oracle
Oracle: Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET)

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WebBrowser.NewWindow neemt geen pointer naar een andere WebBrowser

2006-05-31 09:53  i628  dotnet  [permalink]

beuh, gewoon bij COM vroeg em wel een pointer naar een andere instance, en die kon dan van jezelf komen om de PopUp's goed te doen, maar bij deze blijkbaar niet meer: WebBrowser.NewWindow Event

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Load .Net objects over COM

2006-05-30 21:56  i626  dotnet  [permalink]

Both calling COM objects from .Net, and calling .Net objects from COM are possible. This is a good thing, if only because it's a way for Microsoft to admit it's not prominent enough to replace how things were done, overnight.

One way implies using REGASM or something, but this way provides an even smoother way:

DevelopMentor .NET moniker

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2006-02-07 13:23  r376  delphi dotnet  [permalink]


WooHoo! I managed to get something online!

Now... I have checked in the code I have already with www.tortoisecvs.org (at least I think I did)

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2005-12-05 20:12  i482  dotnet delphi  [permalink]

I started another project without a very clear goal. I was thinking about the wiki's I've written so far (in PHP and ASP/JScript twice), and the niceties of PmWiki I learned about, and I was thinking about 'something portable' to have the same working on several platforms. E.g. a website, and also a ClientSide parser to have a quicker preview when editing a WikiPage with WikiSyntax. (I understand now that WikiSyntax is a nice middle-ground between WYSIWYG HTML editing and HTML source editing.)

So I started a Delphi ActiveX DLL with a clean interface exposing the objects and a methods you could construct a wiki with. On whatever platform (ASP, ASP.Net, ColdFusion, Windows application...)

This is the source-code for now. As an attempt to not HardCode any RegEx''''es, the entire parsing-effort is done by a 'WikiParseXML' that is loaded with operation objects once (when setting the WikiParseXML property of the ApplicationSettings object), and used every data is being rendered into HTML (or anything else really, come to think of it)

WikiEngine_src.zip ~67KB

Please feel free to add any remarks or comments here, (or bugs, FeatureRequest''''s or code update proposals).

http://wikiengine.sourceforge.net/ http://www.codeplex.com/wikiengine/

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Regular Expression

2005-11-16 15:27  r249  dotnet  [permalink]

Regular Expression

Geert saw in action once, and said "Handy tool, if you know how to work with it." I agreed.

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