2015 ...
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Learn something new every day: set tab width on a plain TMemo
2015-10-09 09:30
Strange that I haven't thought of this before, but it's surprisingly easy to do:
TabWidth:=12;//override the default of 32 'units'
If you want/need to you can pass an array of tab-stop positions instead if just the one (but use integer(@TabWidths[0])
2015-10-16 22:24
tx started as a tool to keep track of things. From there it evolved into a new take on data, categorisation, oversight, structure, registration, evaluation...
To complete the configuration, set up a multi-user environment or tweak the project to your needs, it's advised to install and build from the source code.
To get started quickly with default configurations, download and install this easy installer. It has tx and xxm combined into a single executable (that conveniently launches the URL in the default browser at start-up), and a minimal database to get you started. Read more about configuring tx here.
Update: now also available as an NT-service. Installs to serve on HTTP port 80 by default, add argument Port=
to the service command line in the registry to configure an other port number.
GMail: make the labels menu larger
2015-10-22 09:36
When you don't like it: adapt it.
At work we've been switched to Google Mail for some time now, and to make sense of the mayhem that is the incoming torrent of e-mail, I've been using an extensive set of labels and sub-labels with nice colours and stuff.*
But the list of labels on the pop-up-menu if the 'move' and 'label' buttons is so small, only showing the first few labels, and I had to scroll most of the time.
Is there way to adapt this? It turns out there is. At first I read about user stylesheets, but these got removed from Google Chrome, but there's an extension that does the same: Stylus
Install this, and for URL's that start with "https://mail.google.com/mail/
", add this:
.aX1 {
max-height: 780px;
top: 92px !important;
.aX2 {
max-height: 780px;
top: 92px !important;
.aX1 .aXjCH {
max-height: 600px;
.aX2 .aXjCH {
max-height: 600px;
*: Extra tip: I was searching for something nice to prefix the label-names with that would cause them to get storted (alphabetically) at the end. In theory you could use "zzz " as prefix, but that's ugly. And assumes you'll never have an account named "zzz".
After a bit of searching around the unicode spec, I stumbled upon Bopomofo, so now i use ㄍ and ㄑ which apparently sort past 'z' and look pretty nice.