2005 ...
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2005-10-04 16:39 i282 [permalink]
I've been searching on this for a while, and still I'm not sure I'm there all the way yet. For now I'll put a summary here of how to set op COM-object(s) from an NT-service.
Create a new NT-Service project in Delphi.
Add dependency "RpcSs".
Add a Type Library and COM-Objects (or Automation objects or anything COM/ActiveX really).
The objects need to be instancing type MultiInstance.
Add these registry keys (I'll use the regedit export notation for now, with a little imagination you can guess what the Delphi code might look like), replace {AppID} with the full class GUID of your main object (or a unique AppID if you already have one), and ServiceName is the name of your service (Name property of your TService).
Optionally you might rig the TService.AfterInstall/TService.AfterUninstall to call the DllRegisterServer/DllUnregisterServer calls, or vice versa (with overriding TAutoObjectFactory.UpdateRegistry).
Or be sure to have an install(/uninstall) program that does both.
Then, in the TService.ServiceStart include this:
Where CLASS_MyObject is the constant value for the same AppID GUID as described above.
When you want the service to run on a Windows Server 2003 computer, you need to fix one more thing. By default two internal system calls get mixed up. To fix this on older Delphi versions open the project's dpr, and move Application.Initialize;
to the TService.OnStart event handler. Newer versions of Delphi apparently have a notice in comment in the dpr, and also have a Application.DelayInitialization
property specifically for running COM objects from an NTService
2005-10-06 14:25 i285 [permalink]
Let's say you just registered a new NameSpace object on the desktop, by entering it into the registry here:
It doesn't show straight away. It does if you focus the desktop (minimize all, or click on the desktop somewhere), and hit F5. Or use this code to do just that programatically: (include the unit ShlObj in the uses clause, pidl is a variable of type PItemIDList)
2005-10-07 19:44 ro [permalink]
Ro is my second attempt at an easy-to-use IRC client, without too much of feature bloat and extra's. My first attempt, used Delphi's TListView with ViewStyle:=vsReport, but that wasn't stable, used up a lot of memory and GDI handles... And the colums weren't really what I was looking for. A while later I worked with InterExplorer's embeddable WebBrowser component a bit more, and thought of using HTML to output the IRC conversation transscript... It turns out to work quite nice, work nicely fast and use less memory and resources! Hope you like it also.
If (that's a big if) I ever work further on this one, these are a few things I thought of already:
Update: this project has gone open source! (in fact I don't really intend to put more work in). See this NLDelphi post, svn
Update 2015-07-08: for your convenience, I've also put it up on github: https://github.com/stijnsanders/ro#ro
2005-10-07 19:50 r174 [permalink]
2005-10-10 16:42 i292 [permalink]
Let's say you have a table where events were registered, with a datetime field, filled with the current time of the event. Now, how to get a new query that returns the totals per day...
In other languages, it's generally easy to extract only the 'date part' or the 'time part' from a DateTime type of variable. Some languages store the date+time as a floating point variable, the integer part denotes a number of days since a certain day in the past (e.g. 1900-01-01), and the fraction part denotes how far in the day the time part is.
But SQL (at least Microsoft SQL Server) doesn't really have that. There's a DatePart function, but that returns the day of the month, the month of the year...
After a bit of searching around this is apparently the most performant way to get only the date parts (actually, re-work the datetime values to have 'time part' '00:00:00.000'):
CAST(DATEDIFF([DAY], 0, datefield1) AS datetime)
2005-10-12 22:23 i298 [permalink]
De hosting is gestopt voor siggma.net. Ik had er mooi alles opgeruimd. De spam bleef tot op het laatste toekomen in mijn mailbox daar... Ik heb het domain nog voor wat langer, ik kijk of ik die ook naar hier kan krijgen zonder te veel kleurscheuren. Maar voor de rest is het hier te doen vanaf nu!2005-10-13 10:51 i299 [permalink]
TNET.BR: Basic Chart for TELENET GROUP HOLD - Yahoo! Finance
he hij staat er hier al bij...
2005-10-14 20:13 i305 [permalink]
oops! Ik dacht dat we nog tot 2137 of zo hadden...
Cookies object, ASP 0200-2147467259
The date and time given for 'Expires' precedes Jan 1, 1980 or excedes Jan 19, 2038, 3:14:07 GMT.
Out of Range 'Expires' attribute
2005-10-14 23:11 r206 [permalink]
New version online! v1.0.2.20
This time with a self-installer! As I was suspecting it was a bit of a hassle to extract TB.exe to a suitable directory...
New in this version is a WhiteList, that does allow PopUp's on the sites listed on a file 'whitelist.txt'. You need to create the file yourself, and remind to write the URL's with "http://" to make sure they match the first part of longer URL's the browser gets.
I also got to work on the pop-up windows, and the strange behaviour with minimize, restore and switching from another application to them. It should all be in order now.
Feel free to add feature proposals, bug-reports or any suggestions. I might import the list of idea's I have already some time soon also.
2005-10-18 14:23 i325 [permalink]
grappig om te zien! Zelfs de koning zit er tussen!
Delay a file copy until the next reboot
2005-10-21 10:43 i327 [permalink]
I have been looking for a while how to 'delay' a file-copy until the next reboot.
In searching the [[Microsoft Windows]] documentation, I have found the SetupApi functions, and they appear to be just what I need to make it work. Ported to Delphi, the code looks a little like this. The code I first had had some more exception-raising code in stead of a return value of boolean here, but feel free to build it up some more. I also provide a callBack routine that does a little more than absolutely neccessary, but that might come in handy of you want to do more with this single FileQueue. Note that I chose not to use the default callback routine here, which would handle all events with the proper dialogs and UI things.
2005-10-27 20:59 i332 [permalink]
What is 'diff'? Let's say you want to know the differences between two text files. A most frequent real-life example: two versions of the same source file, for example each with updates from another user. But how to merge them.
Nice tools like ExamDiff Pro - Visual Diff Tool for File and Directory Compare are handy, but often not free. There's one provided in Visual Studio: Visual SourceSafe also, have a look at the history of a file, select two items in the list and hit difference...
But, inquisitive like we are, we need to get to the bottom of it. I want to have done it myself.
You might think, OK, two lists of lines, search a line on the 'left' in the list on the 'right', and if you find any, just forward the list on the right to that line, showing a piece of the list as 'not in the version on the right', and vice versa.
The best way to go at it is to get the best set of biggest chunks of data that's present in both documents. At least, I found out after [[Google]]ing my way onto Joe White's Blog, having a great set of enlightening exposees on his discovery of the diff algorithm.
A bit of Googling further, I found out which algoritm Perl's Algorithm::Diff was using, and used that and the original in SmallTalk, to get to this attempt in Delphi:
//first prune
while (start1<=finish1) and (start2<=finish2) and
Eq(ls1[start1],ls2[start2]) do
while (start1<=finish1) and (start2<=finish2) and
Eq(ls1[finish1],ls2[finish2]) do
for a1:=start1 to finish1 do matchVector[a1]:=-1;
//with positions of interval (ls2,start2,finish2);
for a2:=start2 to finish2 do matches.NoteMatch(ls2[a2],a2);
for a2:=0 to finish2-start2 do entries[a2].Link:=-1;
for a1:=start1 to finish1 do
if Assigned(m) then
for mi:=m.Count-1 downto 0 do
if not(b2=-1) and (entries[b2-start2].tr>b1) and (entries[b2-start2-1].tr<b1) then
while (b2x<entryMax) and (entries[b2x-start2].tr<b1) do inc(b2x);
if (b2x<entryMax) then with entries[b2x-start2] do
if tr=b1 then b2:=-1 else
//assert tr>b1
if not(b2=-1) then
if b2<start2 then nl:=-1 else nl:=entries[b2-start2-1].Link;
if entryMax>start2 then
while not(nl=-1) do
voedselagentschap: cartografie vogelpest
2005-10-27 23:59 i335 [permalink]
[[death by slashdot]], maar dan op zijn Belgisch vermoed ik? Dan kom je eens op het nieuws, wordt je platgesurft...
2005-10-31 22:34 r226 [permalink]