2012 ...
januari (3) februari (5) maart april (6) mei (2) juni (1) juli (2) augustus september (5) oktober (1) november (2) december
2012-07-04 21:58
update: fixed a minor issue with the 'Repeat' item, added 'Groups' item (RegEx), (forgot to update the version number, still at
2012-07-23 21:50
- minimize/restore and close buttons
(hold Ctrl to make 'x' send WM_QUIT instead of WM_CLOSE)
- no longer showing GetLastActivePopup duplicates (unless Ctrl is pressed)
- no longer showing window maximized on other monitor that restores to this monitor
- hold Shift to show all top-level windows
- setting: timeout to get window icon (was 150ms before)
- setting: mirror window position when switching between monitors
- opening pop-up menu rests hide timer to 5 seconds
- fixed issue that was not showing minimized windows in some situations