2010-04-23 23:54
→ DirFind
I finally got round to changing two things that were disturbing me about DirFind:
When searching a large structure of folders and sub-folders, I usually wanted to see the matching files in a certain sub-folder, but had to wait for the search running in the background to get to the directory I wanted to see. Now, when you expand the folder view, the background process is asked to move the folder you selected to the front of the queue. This feature will save me tuns of time. If larger files are being searched, this behaviour might not be apparent rightaway.
There was an issue using the replace feature on non-unicode text files. When re-writing the files, they got converted to UTF8. Now, if no unicode byte order marks are present, the file is re-written in the 'default' encoding, depending on your current regional settings. You may still get unexpected results on non-unicode files using another encoding than this default encoding.