yoy.be "Why-o-Why"


2006-05-15 21:07  r419  freeware  [permalink]



It took some time, but there's been a lot of work done under the hood. I noticed the working of the Ctrl+T option wasn't really working good, so I revised a lot of code into a better wrapper around a browser instance, the thing you get one of by pressing Ctrl+T. Events had all to be re-wired around this, so it took some time to test and get it right... There's still some work, but at this point I think it works good enough to publish. It takes some looking out when changing browser instances, since you really need to select the node that has the small overlay icon, or else your current browser instance will load the page of the node in another branch you selected. I might think of something else for that later, for example reserving one browser instance for pages only of one branch, but I'm not sure what's the best thing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy modifications of this version, and feel free to post idea's, requests or proposals.

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