2015-03-03 21:42 r1825 [permalink]
→ xxm
- error page: back link when referer, refresh link only on GET
- LoadCopy by library file signature to avoid multiple copies being loaded, retries on access denied
- default xxmSession on TStringList (sorted!) instead of TObjectList
- parser: in code, treat lines that start with "<" and end with ">" as HTML,
allow [[#]] section on one line in a code section
- recycle allocated memory buffers, use HeapAlloc instead of GlobalAlloc
- long polling support (IXxmContextSuspend, IXxmProjectEvents2)
- xxmHttp: thread to wait on groups of (slow) connections that have all content in buffer
- xxmHttp: support basic authentication (401, "WWW-Authenticate: Basic")
- xxmIsapi: asynchronous sending on more than 64KiB in buffer (project should set Context.ContentBuffer!)
- xxmLocal: custom handling of WWW-Authenticate,
when debugging hold 'X' on authenticated page load to clear stored credentials
- xxmConv: /noupdate switch
- revised thread scheduling from thread pool