yoy.be "Why-o-Why"


2017-05-19 20:09  murmur3  delphi freeware  [permalink]

@stijnsanders do you have MurMurHash3 code in pascal aswell ?
i truly liked your optimized code for md5 and all those

— _pusher_ (@_pusher_0x90) 12 mei 2017

Why, thank you. Eeuh, is it at all optimized? I took some decisions that may perform a little better than the reference implementation, but I haven't taken any time to compare to see if it actually performs any better or worse...

So MurMurHash3... Let's have a look, it's on wikipedia, so it's a thing. And the reference C implementation is in the public domain, great! Looks straight-forward enough, could boil down to a translation-job...

Rougly two hours later, got triple zero (0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 hints). Now for checking if I got it all right. Hmm, not much there, but those x32_64 match, so barring any typo's, assuming this pretty straight translate job will result in the expected behaviour for the other two functions, this should be it:

md5.zip (25KB)

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