COM/ActiveX objects and Windows Vista and newer
2012-02-02 21:55
Applications that provide one or more ActiveX/COM automation objects, created with older versions of Delphi, running without administrative privileges, throw an EOleSysError when strarting up (typically from within the Application.Initialize;
). This is because the application will try to register its type library and class registrations when it starts. Add this unit to the project to silent this error at run-time:
unit comFixW6; interface implementation uses Windows, SysUtils, ComObj; var SaveInitProc:pointer=nil; procedure FixComInitProc; begin try if SaveInitProc<>nil then TProcedure(SaveInitProc); except on e:EOleSysError do if e.ErrorCode<>TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS then raise; end; end; initialization SaveInitProc:=InitProc; InitProc:=@FixComInitProc; end.