2005-06-10 20:48
This is a little idea I had (after I had to do something similar at work, off course), and I built up into a test-utility to compare BarCode''''s with.
I noticed Delphi has a TBits object, it's a sort of TList, but only stores a list of bits (exposed as booleans). Really handy to store an encoded string of characters, and to start from to do something with it, e.g. generate a TBitmap, or HTML code, or anything really...
Have a look at the tester-utility (barcodestuff_exe.zip ~218KB) or the Delphi7 source (barcodestuff_src.zip ~14KB). It's really basic, not calculating CheckSum digits, and doing only basic checks on which strings it gets.
CodaBar, Code11, Code39, Code93, Code128, Interleaved2of5, UPC/EAN