CouchDB connector: TCouchDBConnection
2015-12-03 07:43
After creating my own wrapper around ADO with the least possible of extra's, but with the most ease-of-use I could get; I tried the same for mongoDB; then Redis; then RethinkDB, but first had to tackle protocol buffers, but in the mean time both advanced to a new version and RethinkDB dropped protocol buffers, so I dropped my RethinkDB connector and put both on the to-do list again.
So now I thought I'd look into CouchDB, it's all HTTP so it should be easy enough. The point is you connect to your CouchDB instance on an address and port that's not publicly accessible, so a full-fledged HTTP library would be too much (though it's still highly recommended nowadays to use TLS over internal connections as well, but that's on the roadmap for xxmHttp). For handling JSON I can re-use what I created for TMongoWire: jsonDoc. So there it is. For now it offers a basic call to exchange JSON with the server, but this should be enough to unlock the main features CouchDB has to offer.