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tx   printed 29/04/2024 8:38:48 by anonymous

 database connectors


url: https://github.com/stijnsanders/TSQLite

weight: -1000 c: 03/2013 d…

add | edit move | delete

children: children search... filter... mark as read

 optimizations: deze bekijken! tokens: priority high weight: -300 c: 08/2019
 SQLiteAdmin: treeview virtual!!! tokens: priority high weight: -300 c: 05/2018
 SQLiteBatch command line parameters tokens: in progress weight: -50 c: 01/2016
 'session' stuff at the bottom that was experimental in 3.13 weight: 0 c: 06/2016
 backupto(filepath) weight: 0 c: 06/2015 m: 06/2015
 create function weight: 0 c: 12/2015
 create function proberen weight: 0 c: 01/2016
 SQLiteAdmin: code-completion? weight: 0 c: 05/2014
 SQLiteAdmin: empty command or whitespace after last ; 'not an error' weight: 0 c: 06/2014
 SQLiteAdmin: explain, explain query plan: treeview weight: 0 c: 06/2019
 SQLiteAdmin: no resultset on error weight: 0 c: 04/2017
 SQLiteAdmin: timer weight: 0 c: 04/2017 m: 04/2017
 SQLiteAdmin: virtual list view weight: 0 c: 07/2018
 SQLiteBatch: single transaction!!! weight: 0 c: 01/2016


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