» frame | home browse filter search | refresh | log on
tx   printed 19/05/2024 0:38:03 by anonymous

edit filter tree list log... summary... modify...

Loading... parse: 0msbuild: 0msquery: 1ms




 accounts, user preferences


 configuration, administration








 workflow management






 public project


 third parties


 workflow management

 configuration, administration

 "role" items

tokens: priority high

 configuration, administration

 404: friendly url's

tokens: priority high references: 

 accounts, user preferences

 delete account/user

tokens: priority high references: 

 accounts, user preferences

 deny previous passwords!

tokens: priority high



tokens: priority high references: 


 full modification log

tokens: priority high references: 


 parent link: highlight child

tokens: priority high

 accounts, user preferences

 Users.xxm: revoke auto-logon

tokens: priority high references: 


 WikiEngine: support <nowiki></nowiki>

tokens: priority high


 dReport: border-right dotted when <>UserID

tokens: in progress


 e-mail on 'new' on filter

tokens: in progress

 public project

 install guide

tokens: in progress


 new item description template (pre-formatted HTML to fill in)

tokens: in progress


 'desktop notifications'



 'discussion archiving'

 accounts, user preferences

 'show realms on nodes' session switch

 workflow management

 'state machine' limit token transitions

 accounts, user preferences


 workflow management

 a setting to 'block' older items of getting more journal entries

 accounts, user preferences

 account modification notification e-mails


 add type: show all icons using data scheme


 accounts, user preferences

 admin: view other user's logon history

 workflow management

 administrator tool: switch all entries over


 afkijken van "jira_clone"?

 third parties

 afkijken van "Twenty"?


 alles met 'highlight': ook gepaste "#"?

 accounts, user preferences

 Alterior permissions indicator





 workflow management

 calendar overview



 Changes by user


 accounts, user preferences

 check for E-mail "@" "."


 combinatie MaintMail.xxm en txHomePage.txt

 workflow management

 current item toch in DB (niet alleen in session)

 accounts, user preferences

 customize links in header


 date display function

 configuration, administration

 delete realm


 delete/insert hooks

 accounts, user preferences

 delete: advanced alleen bij edit permissions op 'delete' realm?


 detect cross-post item edits


 diff: Chrome does bad with <span class="diff..."> and things like <ul><li>

 configuration, administration

 dMailHead: additional header notice

 workflow management
 current item toch in DB (niet alleen in session)

 dObj: laten zien als iemand anders in een (canconsult!) journal bezig is

 accounts, user preferences

 does the reset-password entry-page remove any auto-logon cookies?


 drop jQuery

 accounts, user preferences

 e-mail updates: ook op items waar user is created-by


 explain Maint* pages

 workflow management

 extra uitleg MaintRlm





 filter "tsearch": filter where Tok.desc like?


 filter list frame linksonder: kleur laatst geclickt


 filter on reports of related objects


 filter: xxx in ref chain (optionally limited to reftypes)


 FilterBuild: "filter from repository": link


 filters about terms:

 workflow management

 fJre: 'grid' with X:start Y:minutes

 workflow management


 workflow management
 entry types


 workflow management



 fObjs: object-type per level



 forms: tabindex="#" op fields?


 frame: click item doesn't add to history

 workflow management

 Frame: when Session.Journals: small frame Journal.xxm


 FrameListView click reference > select into form


 fTok, fRef: toch display subject

 configuration, administration

 full delete: only when edit perm on realm "deleted"?


 graphs on SVG

 workflow management

 ical export


 icons bij add/edit type


 icons: construct from library of bases and additional


 idee: CSS,JS niet opnieuw op basis van If-Modified-Since (in session data?)


 images doen met sprite

 third parties

 import from mantis

 third parties

 import from roundup

 third parties

 interface with trello?


 introduction video


 item edit: add report about changes


 item ID better displayed


 item view: duidelijker

 workflow management

 item.xxm: full view of Jre's of item and children?


 item: "sort-by text"


 item: link view children in all 'edit' realms

 workflow management

 item: view (recent?) journal entries on can-consult journals

 workflow management

 journal entries: 'distinct days'

 workflow management

 jre <granularity toch '-5' of '⇤'?


 list 'anomalies'

 accounts, user preferences

 lock account on suspected abuse


 Log: reports only, Summary: reports, reports only

 accounts, user preferences

 Mail nieuwe login vanop ander station

 configuration, administration

 Maint* pages centraliseren


 workflow management



 many tokens/references: limit to 'x' +['n' more]

 workflow management

 max entry duration

 public project

 mention the extended dogfooding


 met auth.reports: 'also report' checkbox bij reference/token?


 mini-path bij journal lists, homepage...

 workflow management

 mini-view: window.open with just the current journal item (Jre.xxm)


 mobile display


 multi-user edit: check last modified timestamp


 new obj/tok/ref content from template?


 new report template


 third parties



 obj: references to: lijst tonen met mini-path


 on load center frame (of onunload?): niet zelfde URL: hoofd-window of nieuw venster?

 accounts, user preferences




 outliner mode


 page speed insight recommendation

 public project

 post it on ohloh

 accounts, user preferences

 previous logons



 process mailbox to convert e-mails into new items

 workflow management

 push-back previous adjecent journal entry on new entry

 accounts, user preferences

 quod GDPR?


 reactive display


 really simple discovery


 recent filters: clear


 report only show to <filter>


 report: quote report (reply on report?)


 REST api



 rest API


 revise tx.js' quickadd_toggle

 workflow management

 script setTimeout: update minutes display


 search: re-do recent searches


 security: CSP


 security: improved CSRF

 accounts, user preferences

 security: mail with new logon from new client


 select+search: default 'local search' en optie op global search


 select+search: recent object-types tonen 'selectable' (zoals bij new) om dan "+ot?*" te doen

 accounts, user preferences

 separate 'allowed to report' permissions?


 structured URL's for items, terms (more?)

 workflow management

 team report e-mails


 term links show wiki domain


 text-editor: deze proberen? wysihtml

 configuration, administration

 timezone support


 tokrefcache: max size, then 'more...' links instead


 tree view on filter: kan dat sneller?


 tutorial: user stories


 tx updates mails font groter (instelbaar?)

 third parties

 txCHM exporter


 txHomepage: "--include"


 unicode proofing


 visually distinct: filter expression


 web-service based view

 accounts, user preferences

 well known: change password?


 wiki domain stats link: most wanted, most linked...


 'internal' links another shade of blue

tokens: priority low


 advanced delete: 'full impact' report

tokens: priority low

 accounts, user preferences

 idee: reset pwd (via mail) toch nog eens login (moeten) ingeven

tokens: priority low


 import: jsonDoc instead of MSXML2

tokens: priority low


 item edit: staged changes

tokens: priority low

 configuration, administration

 keep unhandled exceptions in DB? log?

tokens: priority low


 level, level-delta

tokens: priority low


 new item: empty name, auto-clip first line of description

tokens: priority low


 replace "c1*" sql with "i1*" with same + "and id<>1"

tokens: priority low


 reports in scroll-box auto-size naar onderste deel scherm

tokens: priority low

 accounts, user preferences


tokens: priority low


 terms: don't show terms when no perms on wiki-domain-node

tokens: priority low

 workflow management

 websocket updates

tokens: priority low